"Paprika Southern" Feature

It's been just over a year since I posted anything on my blog. Sheesh! Life has been busy to say the least. Between renovating my attic into a new studio space, then having a baby, and now painting while raising a baby, things are a bit hectic (yet wonderful at the same time)! Whew, I'm tired just from saying all that. ;)

Anyway, here is an awesome article written by Bevin Valentine Jalbert for Paprika Southern's Fall 2015 issue that features photos by Siobhan Egan capturing my new studio space beautifully! A huge thanks to Bevin and Siobhan for featuring me in your first print issue! Bevin you did a great job of interpreting my ramblings quite eloquently. Thanks for making me sound smarter than I am. ;)

Paprika Southern is a southern lifestyle magazine celebrating the art and style of the South. If you like this article, check out more of what they have to offer on their website: www.paprikasouthern.com.